Thursday, February 15, 2024

The Temporary License: The Pink Paper You Get After a San Francisco DUI Arrest

If you've been arrested for a DUI in California, one of the first things you'll notice is that the officers have taken your driver's license and you now have a carbon copy "pink" paper. The "pink" paper is actually a number of things. First of all, this is now your "Temporary" Driver's License and is supposed to be valid for thirty (30) days. This does not grant you driving privileges if you did not have a license at the time of your DUI arrest. Basically, whatever you had before the arrest will remain in effect for thirty days. The pink paper is also a very important notice which advises that you have ten (10) days from the date of service of the Temporary License to contact the DMV and request a hearing to fight the DMV license suspension. If you (or your lawyer) fail to request a hearing, your license will automatically suspend once your Temporary License expires (30 days).

It is crucial that you or your DUI lawyer contact the DMV to secure both a hearing and a stay of the license suspension. The DMV generally will stay the license suspension until the conclusion of your DMV or APS hearing case and you will receive a new paper Temporary License in the mail from the DMV to replace the expiring "pink" paper license. While it's important to present the best defense possible to the DMV hearing case, the strategy by which this is done is equally important and a strong consideration to the licensee/client's profession and need to drive is of first importance.

So, the bottom line is: if currently have or know someone who has a "pink" Temporary License, they should consult with a qualified DUI attorney and request a hearing. I believe it's best to hire a DUI lawyer within ten days and have them do it. If I couldn't find or afford a DUI lawyer, you should contact your local DMV Driver's Safety Office by telephone, fax and U.S. Mail.

For more information, visit

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